- West Orange Public Schools
- Welcome
Information for parents at a district-wide level can be found on this page.If you would like information regarding your student's specific school, go to that school's website and click on School News at the bottom / center of the school's home page.
Parent/Student Technology Service Request Form
Parent Links:
- 2025 Summer Enrichment Program Brochure
- 2025 Summer Enrichment Registration Information
- Accessing Bus Pass Information
- COVID-19 School Age Tuition Assistance Application
- Parental Controls for the Internet - XFinity
- Parental Controls for the Internet - Verizon Fios
- PaySchools Central - to Pay Student Obligations
- Third Grade Demonstration of Instruments: English Version
- Third Grade Demonstration of Instruments: Spanish Version
- Comcast Internet Essentials: Affordable Internet at Home
- Gifted and Talented Program
- Be Internet Awesome
- Chromebook Information, Forms, Agreements, Information on 1:1 Student Computing
- SNAP Health Portal
- Instrucciones para el Portal de Salud de SNAP
- School Messenger
- Accessing Report Cards
- Accessing Report Cards - Spanish
- Early Childhood
- Betty Maddalena Early Learning Center (BMELC)
- Preschool Education Expansion
- Title 1 / Multi-Tiered Systems Of Support and Intervention
- West Orange High School Store
- WOHS Career Education Preschool
- PAPER - 24/7 Tutoring for Grades 6-8
- Vaccine Information Toolkit Bulletin\
- Middle School Honors Information
English Language Learning Opportunities for Adults / Oportunidades de aprendizaje del idioma inglés para adultos / Opòtinite pou aprann lang angle pou adilt
- In-person English classes once a week at Washington Elementary School from 6:00PM-7:30PM, we offer beginner and intermediate level classes. To attend in-person classes, you must register by completing the form: Registration to learn English in person (Classes are full, but you can fill out the waiting list form)
- Spanish: Clases de inglés en persona una vez a la semana en la Escuela Primaria Washington de 6:00PM-7:30PM, brindamos nivel para principiantes e intermedio. Para asistir a las clases en persona debe registrarse completando el formulario: Registración para aprender inglés en persona (Clases están llenas, pero puede completar el formulario para lista de espera)
- Haitian Creole: Klas Anglè an pèsòn yon fwa pa semèn nan Washington Elementary School soti 6:00PM-7:30PM, nou ofri nivo debutan ak nivo entèmedyè. Pou ale nan klas yo an pèsòn ou dwe enskri lè w ranpli fòm nan: Enskripsyon pou aprann angle an pèsòn (Klas yo plen, men ou ka ranpli fòm lis datant la)
- Learn English at your own pace using the Rosetta Stone app that West Orange Unified has purchased to facilitate language learning. We provide support sessions once a month at Hazel and Washington Elementary Schools, click here to view the flyer. To sign up to learn English using the app you must complete the form: English Learning Sign Up.
- Spanish: Aprenda inglés a su propio paso usando la aplicación Rosetta Stone que el Distrito de West Orange ha comprado para facilitar el aprendizaje de idiomas. Brindamos sesiones de apoyo una vez al mes en las Escuelas Primarias Hazel y Washington haga click aquí para ver el volante. Para inscribirse para aprender inglés con el uso de la aplicación debe completar el formulario: Inscripción para aprender inglés.
- Haitian Creole: Aprann angle nan pwòp ritm ou lè l sèvi avèk aplikasyon Rosetta Stone ke West Orange District la te achte pou fè aprann lang yo pi fasil. Nou bay sesyon sipò yon fwa pa mwa nan Hazel ak Washington Elementary Schools klike la a pou w gade depliyan an. Pou w ka enskri pou w aprann angle lè w sèvi ak aplikasyon an, ou dwe ranpli fòm sa a: Enskripsyon pou w aprann angle.
All communications will be sent by email once we receive your registration. / Todas las comunicaciones serán enviadas por correo electrónico una vez que recibamos su registración. / Tout kominikasyon yo pral voye pa imèl yon fwa nou resevwa enskripsyon ou.
For questions or assistance contact / Para preguntas o asistencia contactarse con / Pou kesyon oswa asistans kontakte
- Sintya Falero - sfalero@westorangeschools.org
Recursos Familiares Multilingües/Resous pou fanmi plizyè langaj/Multilingual Family Resources:
- Anuncios del MFRC/Anons MFRC la/Announcements of the MFRC
- Recursos Familiares Multilingües/Resous pou fanmi plizyè langaj/Multilingual Family Resources
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB):
School Counseling Connections:
- Naviance Student Services
- New Student Forms
- Homeless Education - McKinney-Vento Act, Eveny de Mendez
- WOHS West Orange Scholarship Fund (Our 2024 WOSF Application has been emailed and posted to students as of February 1st and will be due on March 18th.)
- West Orange Public Schools Student Assistance Program Health & Wellness Resource
- West Orange Social and Emotional Learning Resources
- New Jersey's 15 Minute Child Break
West Orange Special Education Parent Advisory Council (WOSEPAC)
School Hours / Master Calendar / Supply Lists:
- District-Wide Daily Schedules
- District Master Calendar
- School Supply Lists
- Inclement Weather Advisory
- Inclemencias Asesor Tiempo
- Konsiltatif pou move tan
Health and Wellness:
West Orange Community: