• West Orange District Registration Process

    On behalf of the West Orange School Administrative Team, Staff and School Counseling Department, we would like to welcome you to our Mountaineer Family. We are delighted you are becoming a part of our school legacy! 

    To assist you in making this transition as simple and stress free as possible, we have provided this outline to better direct you in completing this process. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding the registration process (i.e., paperwork, required documents, etc.), please contact our District Registration Department at (973) 669-5400, ext. 20505 or email arosado@westorangeschools.org


    Step 1: Getting Started 

    To begin the registration process with our District Registrar, please click here. Be sure to read all information throrougly. Additionally, please be sure to provide a copy of your child's current grades from the former school when submitting your registration packet. 

    Once your child is registered into the West Orange School District, your registration information will be fowarded to the assigned school.

    Student Transportation - You will be notified within (3-10) business days if your child qualifies for transportation through our district Parent Portal. Please be sure to sign up for our Parent Portal to recieve this information. 



    Step 2: Meeting your School Counselor and Scheduling 

    Once your registration information has been received by the assigned school, the School Counselor will contact you within (3) school days to arrange a date and time for your child to come in and set up a class schedule and address any questions or concerns. It is very vital that current grades are provided to the assigned School Counselor prior to scheduling.

    To view our WOHS School Counselors, please click here.


    At WOHS, our students attend classes using a "Rotating Drop Schedule." (Please click on the link to view). The School Counselor will assist your child on how to follow this schedule based on his/her classes. 


    During the scheduling process with your child's School Counselor, he/she will direct you to sign up with our school portals to help assist you with your child's educational progress. We have provided the links below for your use. 

    Naviance Student - Naviance is where parents and student receive communication from the school. It is also a tool that our School Counselors use for post-secondary planning. 

    Parent Portal - Parent Portal is where you will be able to obtain a copy of your child's schedule, report card, review grades/assignments as well as teachers for each course. 

    Program of Studies - The Program of Studies will provide you with courses offered here at WOHS, a description of each course and any prerequisites. This information is extremely helpful in the scheduling process when selecting classes. 

    Special Programs - We offer a variety of special programs with an academically, rigorous curriculum that are rich and diverse in content, to meet the interests of our students. Your child's School Counselor will provide additional information about the programs offered. 

    Athletic Programs - We provide a vast selection of athletic programs for our students. Please be sure to contact our Athletic Department for more information. 

    Student Handbook - This handbook gives you a better insight and answers any questions you may have about West Orange High School. 

    PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) - Our School Main Office will keep you notified on any upcoming meetings and school updates. To sign up, please email jduncan@westorangeschools.org



    Step 3: Sign Up for Student Chromebook

    All students are required to sign up for a school chromebook which enables them to access the Google Classroom and student emails when attending classes. To sign up for a student chromebook, please click the Parent/Student Technology Request Form. A member of our District Technology Department will contact you to arrange a date and time for pick-up. 


    For your convenience, the WOHS School Counseling Department is available to address any questions or concerns from 7:30 a.m. - 3:00p.m., Monday - Friday. You may also email our Administrative Assistants at any time should you need further assistance. 

    Montrisa Bradford - mbradford@westorangeschools.org

    Staci Cowins - scowins@westorangeschools.org

    Angela Gonzalez - agonzalez@westorangeschools.org




Last Modified on April 8, 2024