DeJesus, Vince / Science, 8
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Expanding your vocabulary will improve both your written and oral communication skills and help make sure you are getting your point across. Knowing the Greek and Latin roots of several prefixes and suffixes (beginning and endings attached to words) can help us determine the meaning of words. This list will help you increase your understanding of unfamiliar words.The Zooniverse provides opportunities for people around the world to contribute to real discoveries in fields ranging from astronomy to zoology. Welcome to the largest online platform for collaborative volunteer research.Solve puzzles for science.NASA SCIENCE
Provided by NASA’s Science Mission to engage students in NASA Science and showcase educational resources created by NASA and its partners.Helps educate adolescents ages 11 - 15 on the science behind drug abuse.Provides practical information to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.PERIODIC TABLE VIDEOS
A video lesson about every single element on the periodic table.A unique way to view animal classifications.A unique way to view plant classifications.