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Rho Kappa Honor Society Welcomes New Members, Congratulates Graduating Seniors

WEST ORANGE, NJ - Graduating seniors in the West Orange High School chapter of the Sebastian LaSapio Rho Kappa Honor Society were recognized and juniors were inducted during a ceremony held in the Library Media Center on May 22. Seniors will receive their graduation cords at another time.

Membership in the Sebastian LaSapio chapter of Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, requires exemplary scholarship, leadership, service, and character, as well as active participation in social studies clubs and electives. Students must also maintain a specific grade point average in Social Studies classes (B in AP Social Studies courses, B+ in Honors Social Studies courses, A- in CP Social Studies courses) and in other classes, an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Social Studies Supervisor  Michael Figueiredo welcomed students and families, while advisors Courtney Molinare and John Kelly and Social Studies teachers Tony Edelstein and Jim Weidenborner shared the qualities represented by Rho Kappa:

  • Veritas, or truth. The truth we seek leads to greater understanding of the world and humanity’s place in it.” 
  • Scientia, or knowledge. We seek knowledge of the past in order to create a future for ourselves, and for the world in which we live.” 
  • Sapienta, or wisdom. Wisdom is the tool we use to discern what is true, and how to value that truth.” 
  • Officium, or service. True civic engagement in school or community service lies not within what we do, but why we do it.  Students are engaged in learning experiences and community service throughout the year.

Inductees were then led in the Rho Kappa oath:

"I do promise to search for truth,

to utilize knowledge, and to seek wisdom,

through the pursuit of excellence,

in the Social Studies.

I promise service to West Orange High School,

and to its community,

for true scholars of Social Studies,

lead by example.


Graduating seniors

Graduating seniors with advisors Courtney Molinare and John Kelly

Graduating Seniors 1

Junior Inductees

Newly inducted juniors with advisors Courtney Molinare and John Kelly

New Inductees

Cynthia Cumming
May 29, 2023