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West Orange High School Alums Visit CPR Classes

WEST ORANGE, NJ - Seniors in the West Orange High School CPR classes were visited on Jan. 4 by some very special alumni from Fire Company 3, who offered advice and encouragement for the graduating students.


John Gibson (WOHS Class of 1996), Jimmy Turco (WOHS Class of 1991), and Leon Sederwall (WOHS Class of 2008) are West Orange firemen and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Their former teacher and current Physical Education and Health Supervisor Kevin Alvine invited the men to come and encourage the students as they study CPR and answer a variety of questions, including the criteria for becoming a firefighter.  The WOFD members discussed the protocols of going on EMT and fire calls, including their schedules of one 24-hour shift followed by three days off. 


"Our job is always evolving," said Captain Gibson, as several students expressed an interest in pursuing a career in the field.


Students passing the CPR Course at West Orange High School become Red Cross-Certified in CPR and First Aid.



WOHS students with (L-R) Kevin Alvine, Capt. John Gibson, Firefighter Leon Sederwall, Firefighter Jimmy Turco, PE teacher Jeff Mazurek.



Cynthia Cumming
Jan. 4, 2019