Subscription Online Services Access
    The following databases and Web resources are online services that are available to our students at school and from home.
    Please see Ms. Bochese for user IDs and passwords for home use.



    Learn more and understand better with BrainPOP's animated movies, games, playful assessments, and activities covering Science, Math, History, English, and more.
    Concise, reliable, and up-to-date reports on more that 200 countries, each U.S. State, and all 13 Canadian Provinces and Territories.
    (see funding note) Periodical database and more... Covers general reference, health, and science topics. Provides full text articles from 120 magazines and citations and abstracts for articles in almost 150 magazines. Also includes charts, tables and graphs, full-text reference books and pamphlets, NOVELIST K-8, and the full text of Magill Book Reviews; Funk & Wagnall's New Encyclopedia, the CIA World Factbook; Essential Documents in American History, and The Encyclopedia of Animals.

    Facts On File 
    The History Database Center

    comprised of: 
    * American History Online 
    * World History Online 
    * Ancient History & Culture 
    * American Women's History 
    * African-American History & Culture 
    * American Indian History & Culture  
    NoodleBib6 - Generates a Works Cited list. Includes - 

    MLA Advanced (follows the MLA Handbook, 6th ed.) 
    MLA Starter (only the most basic citation types available) 
    APA Advanced (follows the APA Publication Manual, 5th ed.) 
    General encyclopedia of A-Z information in all areas, as well as 
    current events, this date in history, and lots more.