Edison Middle School Counseling Department

  • Welcome to the Counseling Department at Edison Middle School, where we assist students, teachers, parents, and administrators in order to help your child achieve academic success, meet their personal goals, and assume personal academic responsibility.

    Please feel free to contact your child's school counselor with any questions or concerns.

Contact Us

  • Mr. Jeff Lafoon  
    Mr. Jeffrey Lafoon
    School Counselor
    (School Counselor for last names that begin with L-Z)
    Phone: 973-669-5360 x. 28602

     Mrs. Pamela Halstead-Stewart
    Mrs. Pamela Halstead-Stewart
    School Counselor
    (School Counselor for last names that begin with A-K)
    Phone: 973-669-5360 x. 28603
    Ann AlyAhmed

    Ms. Ann AlyAhmed
    Administrative Assistant
    Phone: 973-669-5360 x 28502