• Addition

    • Turn Around Rule: The order of the addends can be switched and you will still get the same sum.

    • Count On: Use this strategy when adding 0, 1, 2, or 3 to a number.  Start with the bigger number and count up.

    • Doubles: Use this strategy when the two addends are the same.  Practice your doubles facts at home!

    • Near Doubles (Doubles + 1 and Doubles + 2): Use this strategy when there is a difference of 1 or 2 between the addends.  Find the smaller number, use your doubles, and count on 1 or 2.

    • Sums of 10:  This is when the addends equal a sum of 10.  When you think of making a ten, you can always use your fingers to help you!

    • Adding 10:  When you add 10 to a number, you just need to add a one to the tens place.

    • Making 10 (Nimble 9's, Eager 8's, Starving 7's): Make a 10 to help you solve number sentences where one of the addends is 7, 8, or 9.  (Example: For 9+6, change the 9 to a 10 and the 6 to a 5 to get the helping number sentence 10 + 5.)

    • Count back:  Start with the bigger number and count back by the number you are subtracting.  Use this strategy when subtracting 0, 1, 2, or 3.

    • Count up:  Start with the smaller number and count up to the bigger number.  The number of times you count up is the difference.  Use this strategy when the minuend and subtrahend are close together.

    • Fact Family:  A group of addition and subtraction number sentences that use the same 3 numbers.  Remember, there can't be any strangers in the family!