Washington School Counselor Corner

  • Welcome to the Washington School Counseling Corner. For information and resources please visit my website:

    Mrs. Wells' Counseling Corner Google Site 

    Our school counselors are certified professionals who assist students, teachers, parents/guardians, and administrators. School counselors help all students to develop their educational, social, career, and personal-emotional strengths and to become responsible and productive citizens. Their work is specific to the developmental stages of growth and related issues, tasks, and challenges. The K-5 school counselors are responsible for:

    • Implementing a guidance curriculum and counseling program to all students;
    • Providing counseling to individuals and groups of students;
    • Helping students in transition;
    • Consulting with and providing training to staff;
    • Participating in activities which contribute to the effective operation of the school;
    • Planning and evaluating the counseling program; and,
    • Pursuing ongoing professional growth. 


    Please feel free to contact your child's school counselor with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Rene Simone-Wells

Contact Us

  • Mrs. Rene Simone-Wells
    School Counselor
    Washington Elementary School
    289 Main Street
    West Orange, NJ 07052 
    Phone: 973-669-5385 x. 27601