• Immunization Requirements


    Immunizations   As mandated by New Jersey law, no pupil will be admitted to any school in our district without evidence of having been immunized by the following agents and a Certificate of Immunization History completed and signed by a licensed health care provider:


    • Diphtheria Toxoid
    • Pertussis Vaccine
    • Tetanus Toxoid
    • Live Poliomyelitis Vaccine – Trivalent
    • Live attenuated Measles Virus Vaccine and Measles Booster Vaccine
    • Live Rubella Virus Vaccine
    • Live Mumps Vaccine
    • HIB Vaccine (required for all incoming kindergarten and pre-school students)
    • Hepatitis B Vaccine
    • Varicella Vaccine
    • Influenza Vaccine
    • Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
    • Meningococcal Vaccine
    • Tetanus, Diphtheria, acellular Pertussis


    For a copy of the State of New Jersey letter regarding newer immunizations effective September 1, 2008 click here.


    In addition, some new students may need Mantoux Tuberculin Testing.  In accordance with the rules of the State Department of Education, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services' most recent mandate of July 2005, as well as procedures followed by the Livingston School District:
    "All students entering New Jersey schools require tuberculin skin testing when entering the school system for the first time, if BORN in, or TRANSFERRING from, a high TB incidence country NOT listed below."

    A further exemption exists "if the student has a documented Mantoux Tuberculin skin test result within the previous six (6) months of school entry." 

    As mandated by state law, the method of screening to be used is the Mantoux Intradermal Skin Test. Within 48 - 72 hours, the site of the test must be checked and the results documented.

    Students will not be allowed to attend school until this testing has been completed.


    New entry or transfer students from the following countries are exempt from Mantoux Tuberculin skin testing: