• Pause and Think online  Explore these resources to help you 

    Think about what you do online

  • Enjoy playing this game while learning about being smart on the Internet!


  • BrainPop has many modules related to Digital Citizenship, including movies, activities, and games.

    Choose Login and then 1st choose Sign in with Clever”. After that, you may also need to choose “Sign in with Google” and use your West Orange student Google email & password. 

    BrainPop Digital Citizenship


  • Redraw your World

    Cartoon Network Anti-bullying

    Cartoon Network and the National Bullying Prevention Center Resources

  • BrainPop Jr also includes 2 helpful modules.  

    Choose Login and then 1st choose Sign in with Clever”. After that, you may also need to choose “Sign in with Google” and use your West Orange STUDENT Google email & password. OR You can go into Brainpop through Clever and then search for Internet.

    BrainPopJr Internet Safety   AND    BrainPop Jr Digital Etiquette


  • Avoiding Clickbait