Phone: 973.669.5373


Degrees and Certifications:

Attended: Amity Regional High School in Connecticut and Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. Degrees: Graduated Seton Hall University with degrees in English and Secondary Education with a minor in Psychology, and also has a Masters in Teaching and Pedagogy

Mrs. Kimberly M. Nunes


Welcome to ELA7 with KNunes! 


My name is Mrs. Kimberly Nunes, and I love what I do. When I graduated high school in Connecticut, I came here to New Jersey to play volleyball at Seton Hall University and to get my degree, but I fell in love with the area. I started working in West Orange the year I graduated. I have been teaching in the English Language Arts (ELA) department at Roosevelt Middle School since I began my career many years ago, and I still love it as much as I did when I began. I think my love increases as time passes because I have the chance to see more and more students grow into amazing adults.


Maya Angelou once mentioned that people may not remember what we said, or what we did, but that they would remember how we made them feel. I agree in some way, but I also think students do remember what teachers say, and I believe if we make the experience unforgettable they will remember it too. In my life, I surround myself with the positive energy of my family and friends. We enjoy traveling. We love being creative, going all over the place for our activities, and singing in the car. My hope is to bring this spirit into our lessons and make them a positive experience for every student. With that being said, I am also a believer in setting the bar high. Students rise when challenged. They like to feel supported but pushed academically, and I enjoy providing the balance for them.

The curriculum presented in my classroom focuses on and emphasizes the student's ability to read, write, and think independently. I am excited to foster these skills and am always looking forward to meeting new students and new families. I can't wait to meet you. As always, email me with any comments, questions, or concerns.


#RMSknunes #ELA8 #readwritethink #believe #dreambig


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