Health Office

  • Here you will find general information on a variety of health related issues frequently found in schools: head lice, ringworm, Fifth’s disease, how flu travels, vomiting and diarrhea, MRSA, chart on how some infectious diseases are spread, and importance of hand washing.

    As a part of this comprehensive health care program, the following screenings are conducted with Roosevelt Middle School students:

    • Vision and hearing screening of all students

    Parents will be notified if results from any of these screening procedures suggest the need for further evaluation by the student’s physician.

    School nurses are supportive partners with parents by ensuring their child’s medical needs are monitored and through early nursing intervention decrease school absenteeism and increase the instructional time inside the classroom. This partnership is successful with the parent’s participation in reviewing the attached policies, procedures, forms, and health information. All parents need to complete the Annual Student Health History.

    We care about your student and know that students must be healthy in order to be educated, and they must be educated in order to remain healthy.

    Parents are encouraged to contact the school nurse for any problems or questions.

    Eleonora Ackerman, RN
    Phone: 973-669-5373 x. 30520
    Fax: 973-319-4131

Contact Us

  • Lila Kurzum
    Ms. Angela Margiotta
    School Nurse 
    Roosevelt Middle School
    36 Gilbert Place
    West Orange, NJ 07052
    Phone: 973-669-5373 x. 30520
    Fax: 973-319-4131