Mrs. Del Tufo

  • Welcome to Mrs. Del Tufo's Page

     Mrs. Del Tufo

    Contact information:                                                                                Supplies needed daily:                                                            Guided reading book




    Keep reading and practicing your math facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!/Sigue leyendo y practicando tus operaciones matemáticas!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Upcoming Events

    Parent Teacher Conferences/conferencias de Padres y Profesores- March 26th-28th Early Dismissal

    Bingo Night/Noche de Bingo!- March 29, 2019

    "Bot! The Secret World of Robots" Assembly-April 3rd

    Spring Break/Vacaiones de primavera-April 15th-April 19th

    Flea Market/Mercado de pulgas-TBA


  • Welcome to Mrs. Del Tufo's Page

     Mrs. Del Tufo

    Contact information:                                                                                Supplies needed daily:                                                            Guided reading book




    Keep reading and practicing your math facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!/Sigue leyendo y practicando tus operaciones matemáticas!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Upcoming Events

    Parent Teacher Conferences/conferencias de Padres y Profesores- March 26th-28th Early Dismissal

    Bingo Night/Noche de Bingo!- March 29, 2019

    "Bot! The Secret World of Robots" Assembly-April 3rd

    Spring Break/Vacaiones de primavera-April 15th-April 19th

    Flea Market/Mercado de pulgas-TBA