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Welcome to Redwood!
Located in the heart of West Orange, NJ, Redwood Elementary School is a community of learners, educators, and families, all working together with the common goal of promoting the success of our students. We are a proud reflection of our diverse community, deriving our strength from the many languages, backgrounds, and stories represented by our students, families, and staff.
At Redwood, our guiding light is Dr. King's famous maxim that the true goal of education is to build students' "intelligence and character." We firmly believe that both intelligence and character are not fixed commodities, but rather that both can be developed. To that end, our academic programs are designed to grow our students' abilities in each of the core subjects of English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, along with enhancing their creativity through the Arts and Music, their health and wellness through Physical Education and Health, their language skills and cultural understandings through World Languages, and their facility with technology and research through Library & Media Arts.
Redwood also places a premium on character development. Redwood is "The School That Cares," and with this theme in mind we teach our students to care about themselves, each other, our staff, and our school itself. Through our R.O.C.K.E.T. character initiative, our students build the character traits of Respect, Open-Mindedness, Caring, Kindness, Encouragement, and Trustworthiness. We aim to give our students the tools that they need to be responsible, productive, and civic-minded citizens.
To achieve our goals, we depend on the support and partnership of our PTA. We are fortunate to have such a committed and generous parent community, who find many opportunities to enhance the collective experience of our students through assemblies, special events, fundraising, and sharing resources. If you are a Redwood parent and have not already done so, please click here to join our PTA.
Yours in Partnership,
Kimya Jackson, Principal
Twitter / Instagram: @RedwoodWOrange