Welcome to Gregory Elementary School

  • Gregory School opened its doors in 1914. Our school is a K – Grade 5 facility with over 550 students. Gregory School represents more than simply the walls and bricks it is made of; it is a school community that has embraced the theme of “Helping All To Succeed.” As you walk through the hallways, you will notice that our school provides a learning environment with rich experiences that enhance the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the whole child. Our school climate is one in which students acquire self-confidence and independence as learners while developing positive attitudes about learning and school. We work diligently to promote effective communication skills so that our children can acquire an understanding of their vital role as members of our Gregory community and society at large. As the case throughout the district, our students come from a variety of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. The diversity is viewed as an integral component of the educational process. That philosophy has resulted in a strong sense of family that exists among our students.

    Schools of excellence emerge as a result of collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents, and community. Perhaps one of the most important resources and the source of our continued success here at Gregory School is our dedicated and talented staff of professionals. Together, our highly trained staff creates a nurturing environment that allows our students to enjoy a student centered, inquiry based hands-on, discovery approach to learning. Our staff continually participates in professional development throughout the school year to enhance and design instruction in order to address the diverse needs of our students. The professional development activities allow the faculty to gain valuable insight into various teaching techniques as well as current trends in education.

    The district of West Orange is committed to exposing our children to a differentiated approach in learning. Our curriculum is aligned to New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards. In the areas of Language Arts, we utilize the Readers’ and Writers’ workshop model. Through this approach to Language Arts, students read and write every day, spend time working with their teacher, collaborating with their peers, and working independently. Additionally, our EveryDay Math program encourages students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers. Overall our curriculum strives to instill in our young learners a focus on real-life problem solving, a balance between whole-class and self-directed learning, and a strong emphasis on communication and facilitation of school-family cooperation.
    To complement the rigorous curriculum taking place in the homeroom, our students partake in specialty classes. The Fine Arts program at Gregory School boasts excellent participation from the student body. Chorus, chorale, band, orchestra and general music classes heighten students’ understanding and appreciation of a variety of musical forms. The art program introduces students to a variety of art mediums. Studio Art is offered to students who display an exceptional aptitude for artistic endeavors. Our physical education program assesses student knowledge, motor, social and fitness skills and provides instruction in a safe, supportive environment. Special programs are offered to the students throughout the year such as the Exercise US, Turkey Trot, Jump Start your Heart Day and Field Day. Extra-Curricular activities are also offered to interested students in first through fifth grade.
    To train our students to be capable in the 21st century, technology continues to be enhanced. Smart boards have been installed in all classrooms as well as document cameras in many of the classrooms. Students are being given more opportunities to integrate technology into their daily lives within the classroom. These enriching experiences allow teachers to demonstrate the power of technology and transform learning experiences for our students. 


    Another essential component of the success Gregory School shares is our PTA. This dedicated and passionate group of parents allows our students to be exposed to a variety of programs that are connected to our curriculum and enhance their educational experiences. Fostering partnerships with our PTA and all of our Gregory School families enables us to instill a true zest for learning and continue to set high standards of excellence for our children, our future leaders.
    The dedicated staff, students, parents, administrators, central office, and community members represent a team that supports academic learning in an effective educational environment by working and learning together.


    Ms. Makeida Hewitt
    (973) 669-5397
Last Modified on December 13, 2021