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Five West Orange Schools Receive Recognition from EZ Ride’s Safe Routes to School
WEST ORANGE, NJ – Five West Orange Schools: Gregory Elementary, Hazel Elementary, Kelly Elementary, Redwood Elementary, and West Orange High School have been recognized by EZ Ride’s Safe Routes to School Program.
Incorporated in 1983 as a non-profit public/private partnership Meadowlands Transportation Brokerage Corporation, it is also known as “Meadowlink” and “EZ Ride.”
Charter members include the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, NJ Turnpike Authority, New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority, New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce. MTBC is the first TMA (Transportation Management Association) in New Jersey, and its mission is to:
“Implement innovative transportation programs and services that enhance the quality of life, regional mobility, and economic opportunity for both people and businesses, while reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.”
The schools were all recognized by EZ Ride and their Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.
"West Orange is so proud of the efforts of its public schools to partner with us and EZ Ride on public pedestrian safety," said Mayor Susan McCartney.
"We will never let up on increasing our efforts to keep everyone safe," she added.
"We are in the midst of gathering data and assessments to submit yet another Safe Routes to School/New Jersey Department of Transportation grant application for sidewalks at Gregory," she concluded.
PE teacher Lisa Asman, Gregory Principal Makeida Hewitt, PE teacher Vincent Cordasco. Gregory received Gold Level Recognition from Safe Routes to School for its focus on Bike and Pedestrian Safety in 2022.
Hazel Principal Joel Castillo. Hazel received Gold Level Recognition for its "Walk to School Safely" assemblies, staggered dismissal of Kindergarten for safety, ongoing support from the PTA, and the creation of a safety mural on Michelle Street with the community and artist Elijah Minton.
Kelly Principal David Marion. Kelly received Gold Status Recognition for their Safe Routes to Schools initiative, including its annual Walk to School event. (This year's event will be held Oct. 12). EZ Ride visited Kelly a week before the event to host an assembly focused on pedestrian and bike safety. Students participate in the yearly Safety Poster Contest as well.
Redwood Principal Kimya Jackson. Redwood held a bike safety assembly and participated in Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day on November 14, 2022.
West Orange High School students and Nikhil Badlani Youth Advisory board members David Tamay and Michael Montoya Ruiz with Eugene Pinkcney. WOHS received Gold Award Recognition for participating in and conducting a school wide audit of students and their families on transportation means to and from school.
Oct. 9, 2023