Quiroz, Mary / World Language and ESL
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Mary Quiroz/ ESL Teacher at Kelly Elementary School
Welcome! My name is Mrs. Quiroz. I teach English as a second language. I am looking forward to working with our new and returning students. Please contact me if you have any questions about classes, the community or the school. Throughout the year I will post the themes we are studying and ways you can get involved.
¡Bienvenidos! Soy la Sra. Quiroz. Enseño inglés como una segunda lengua. Tengo muchas ganas de trabajar con los alumnos nuevos y los que regresan. Por favor, contactarme si Usted tiene algunas preguntas sobre las clases, la comunidad o la escuela. Durante el año voy a poner los temas aquí que estamos estudiando y algunos maneras en que Usted puede participar.
It is never too early to start talking to your children about how people have worked together to shape this country. Learning how to share ideas and communicate with others is a key skill at all levels. This video will help you explain the Constitution to your primary school aged child/children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsTB7gSfDPI
Learning a first, second or third language happens all day every day! This packet, provided by WIDA, gives parents an easy way to encourage their younger elementary school children to talk. Topics are familiar; answers are open-ended, graphics are colorful. The packet is available in 8 languages: Arabic, dari, English, Korean, Pashto, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Teachers can also use the packet as a way to get to know their new emerging bilinguals on the first few days of school. These activities lower that affective filter for ELs and establish a safe learning environment.
As we start the new school, you may be wondering how you can encourage the families of your emerging bilinguals to get involved. Again, WIDA has an excellent resource that addresses this topic. It’s called the ABCs of Family Engagement. There are 6 sections: Awareness, Advocacy, Brokering, Building Trust, Communication, Connect to Learning. Here is the link if you still have time for some beach reading! If not, stay tuned. During the next 6 days we’ll take a look at each topic.https://wida.wisc.edu/sites/default/files/resource/ABCs-Family-Engagement.pdf
Many stores are having back-to-school sales. So, now is a good time to get your student's school supplies. Click the link below to go directly to the lists.
Muchas tiendas tienen ventas ahora. Por eso es una buena idea comprar las cosas que su hijo/a necesita para empezar el año escolar.
Haz clic en este enlace para ver las listas de los suministros escolares para septiembre. Todos los grados están incluidos.