St. Cloud School Counselor Corner

  • Welcome to St. Cloud's School Counseling page. Click on the link below to access Mrs. McIntosh's School Counseling Corner Google Site!

    St. Cloud School Counseling

    Our school counselors are certified professionals who assist students, teachers, parents/guardians, and administrators. School counselors help all students to develop their educational, social, career, and personal-emotional strengths and to become responsible and productive citizens. Their work is specific to the developmental stages of growth and related issues, tasks, and challenges. The K-5 school counselors are responsible for:

    • Implementing a guidance curriculum and counseling program to all students;
    • Providing counseling to individuals and groups of students;
    • Helping students in transition;
    • Consulting with and providing training to staff;
    • Participating in activities which contribute to the effective operation of the school;
    • Planning and evaluating the counseling program; and,
    • Pursuing ongoing professional growth. 

    Please feel free to contact your child's school counselor with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Sarah McIntosh

Contact Us

  • Mrs. Sarah McIntosh
    School Counselor
    St. Cloud Elementary School
    71 Sheridan Ave.
    West Orange, NJ 07052 
    Phone: 973-669-5393 x. 26601