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West Orange High School AFJROTC Closes Out Year with Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award
WEST ORANGE, NJ - The West Orange High School AFJROTC ended the school year with two awards of excellence.
"We received the Distinguished Unit with Merit Award," began Maj. Joseph Marchesini (USAF-Ret.)
"We've received the Distinguished Unit award each year since 2017, but you have to be inspected by headquarters to earn the "with Merit" distinction. And it means a little bit more than that, because we weren't technically a unit with more than 100 cadets. However, the cadets were so good I asked for an exception to policy and it was approved."
Continuing with the accolades, Maj. Marchesini went on the say, "We also received the Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award. This prestigious award recognizes the top 5% of all Air Force and Space Force JROTC units in the world based on community service to their schools and local communities. This is the first time Mountaineer Squadron has won this award."
- Distinguished Unit with Merit Award winners worldwide - top 18 percent
- Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award winners worldwide - top five percent (WOHS AFJROTC logged in over 3,000 service hours)
- Units worldwide that won both this year - top two percent
In other news, Cadet Camryn Morgan presented CJ Morgan Scholarships to two graduating cadets. Cadet Aiden Ramanand will be attending Norwich University and Cadet Verrick Lipsey will be attending Syracuse University.
Cadets Aiden Ramanand, Camryn Morgan, and Verrick Lipsey
USAF Congratulatory Letter
Cynthia Cumming
June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024